Trying to clean up the troubled town of Grit, where two cattle barons are stealing land and setting loose their men on the innocent locals, Longarm offers special assistance to the revenge-seeking widow...
When the snow piles up higher than manure at a tall-tale contest, Longarm gets stranded in a tiny Wyoming burg called Kittstown. Then a pretty girl turns up dead, and Longarm must hunt down a cold-blooded killer--a killer with a cruel streak as...
Even though he knows Lily Gail Baxter is the bait in a trap set by the outlaw Gallagher Gang, Longarm cannot resist her charms, and the only way to escape is a bloody...
Ivan Kane, the Marshal of Bodie, Nevada, is pulling guns on anyone who eyes him wrong. Though he's always been quick on the trigger, these days he seems to be losing his mind as fast as his bullets. And what's worse, he's taking protection funds...
When beautiful widow Constance Farnsworth is threatened to give up her ownership of a railroad line in the Colorado Mountains, she hires Longarm for protection, forcing him to choose between his badge and the lady's...
Longarm is hunting for Cy Berman, a mail thief wanted for murdering U.S. marshals. Longarm must track Berman through the frozen gold towns of the Wisconsin territory. But waiting for Longarm is none other than Maddy Williams and she has a special...
Longarm's undercover, disguised as a first-class ladykiller to nab a family of ruthless outlaws named the Killions. The law has never even come close to collaring them. So now Longarm has to play nice with Matt Killion's boys and girls, or he'll...
When the postmaster of Addington, Texas, is murdered, the U.S. Attorney General hires Longarm to find the killer. But the people of Addington don't seem to know a thing about the postmaster. All they know about is the dirty politics and low-down...
One of the deadliest killers in the world is running loose in the U.S. He's known as Wolf, but his real name is Wolfgang von Ritterhoff of the Prussian Cavalry under Bismarck. He is familiar with every kind of weapon imaginable. The U.S....
Becoming involved with the beautiful Hannah Diver, Longarm learns that Hannah and her nine sisters are repeatedly married off to outlaw land owners, who promptly die off shortly after the...