Third volume in a series of four.
The world is at war, from the steamy jungles of South America to the high ice of mountain glaciers.
This is the third of a four part tale of global war, and the people under arms, on both sides of the conflict.
NATO won the Battle of the Atlantic at terrible cost, and not only in men, women and material but to the planet also.
In Europe the NATO army is close to exhaustion, grimly holding its ground along the Elbe and Saale rivers, buying time for the US and Canadian 4 Corps to arrive, but their grit and determination are frustrating an enemy becoming ever more desperate and a finger hovers over a button marked 'Nuclear Release'.
In Russia, Svetlana has dangled herself as bait for an ex-lover and avoided gang rape in order to learn the Premiers location, but the Security Forces are closing in and the 'Ex' is not done with her yet.
In Asia the Green Berets, SAS Mountain Troop and the Royal Marines Mountain & Arctic Warfare Cadre are battling the weather, the mountains and the enemy in order to reach the Chinese ICBM silos and space centre.
In Australia, unlikely allies join to confront a million man invading army.whilst in the Pacific, the US Navy and HMS Hood need to destroy China's ballistic missile submarine 'Xia'.
And what also of General Henry Shaw, United States Marine Corps? The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs believes that underhanded dealings and dirty tricks should be used on the enemy, not your own.
Step up once more beside the soldiers and sailors of both sides of the conflict.
Комментарии к книге "Fight Through"