First in a series of Emile Cinq-Mars novels, "City of Ice" portrays Montreal as a schizoid landscape, delineated by language, the playground of Russian criminals and American spies and a tough place for a...
On the night of the Rocket Richard Riot in 1955, the legendary Cartier Dagger is stolen from Montreal's Sun Life Building. Many believe the dagger gives whoever possesses it mystical powers, and its journey through history is as spectacular as it is...
Trevor Ferguson, one of Canada s most acclaimed writers, returns with "The River Burns," his long-awaited new novel. "The River Burns" tells the story of a small town in crisis, the mistakes people make, and the courage it takes to heal a community...
When a corpse with a bullet through its neck is found floating in a fishing hole cut into a frozen lake near Montreal, it appears to be a straightforward murder. But detective Emil Cinq Mars soon realizes this is a more complex case, where no-one is...