Eva Magnus is a struggling artist and the divorced mother of a seven-year-old child, Emma. One afternoon she and Emma are walking by the river when an unknown man's body floats to the surface of the icy water. She tells her daughter to wait...
Riktor doesn’t like the way the policeman comes straight into the house without knocking. He doesn’t like the arrogant way he observes his home.The policeman doesn’t tell him why he’s there, and Riktor doesn’t ask. Because he knows he’s...
“He’d just learnt to walk,” she said. “He was sitting playing on his blanket, then all of a sudden he was gone.” A 16-month-old boy is found drowned in a pond right by his home. Chief Inspector Sejer is called to the scene as there is...
A mother and child are found brutally murdered in an old caravan on a remote piece of land. A bloody footprint is discovered at the scene, and Chief Inspector Sejer is called to investigate. Meanwhile, another mother, dying of cancer, confesses to...