When Christian children are being kidnapped and murdered in 12th century Cambridge, England, Adelia is sent to seek out the truth, and hopefully absolve the Jews being blamed for the crimes, before the townspeople take matters into their own...
Starred Review. Set in 1176, Franklin's excellent third Mistress of the Art of Death novel (after The Serpent's Tale) finds Adelia Aguilar, a qualified doctor from the School of Medicine in Salerno, in the holy town of Glastonbury, where Henry II...
"An outstanding historical mystery. Well-researched, well-plotted, well-paced and above all well written." – Mike Ripley
Ariana Franklin combines the best of modern forensic thrillers with the drama of historical fiction in the enthralling second...
When Christian children are being kidnapped and murdered in 12th century Cambridge, England, Adelia is sent to seek out the truth, and hopefully absolve the Jews being blamed for the crimes, before the townspeople take matters into their own...
Inglaterra, año del Señor de 1171: en Cambridge aparece el cadáver de un niño horriblemente asesinado. Otros muchos han desaparecido. Los judíos, directamente acusados de estos crímenes por la todopoderosa...
Cztery potworne morderstwa… Nieuchwytny zabójca… I niezwykła kobieta, która potrafi skłonić zmarłych do wyjawienia sekretów. W 1171 roku bestialskie zabójstwa dzieci wstrząsają Cambridge....
Die Geliebte Heinrichs II. wird vergiftet – mit einem gefährlichen Pilz, der Teufelshaube. Der König tobt, seine Gemahlin, Eleanor von Aquitanien, dagegen triumphiert. Steckt sie hinter dem grausamen Anschlag auf ihre Widersacherin?...