High Stakes

High Stakes
Другие детективы
Язык: английский
Год: 1975
Издатель: Michael Joseph
ISBN: 978-0-7181-1393-3
Город: London
Добавил: Admin 20 Июл 21
Проверил: Admin 20 Июл 21
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Steven Scott owned nine racehorses and delighted in them, and he had friend, Jody Leeds, who trained them. Gradually, unwillingly, Steven discovered that Jody had been systematically cheating him of large sums of money. Not unnaturally he removed his horses from Jody’s care, but this simple act unleashed unforeseeable consequences Steven’s peaceful existence erupted overnight into a fierce and accelerating struggle to retain at first his own good name but finally life itself. This book takes a look at several all too-possible fiddles and frauds, some of them funny, some vicious, but all of them expensive for the fall guy.

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