A mysterious letter alluding to the murder of Cabestan by a named killer, Dr Hubert van der Post, arouses the interests of the irascible and ever-suspicious van der Valk who decides to find out who the mysterious letter writer is. What transpires is...
How do you prove a murder that's almost impossible to prove was a murder? An elusive homicide evades even the most decisive guile from a true master of criminal investigation, but Van der Valk won't let that stop him. A seemingly unintended death of...
The woman lay raggedly, blood coming out of her mouth. A pretty young woman but one couldn't be sure: dead faces told one so little. There was a strong smell of...
A Van der Valk Thriller - Running a one-woman agency in Strasbourg, Arlette Van der Valk sets out to uncover an illegal fur-trader's activities and ends up in the Argentine searching for a runaway. What ensues is a chilling warning from a mysterious...