Scientists in the woods of North Quebec are in search of clues to man’s glorious path “up” the evolutionary chain. The story begins with a review of known evolutionary theory and questions about the role of mutations in achieving evolutionary...
A man is stranded in an alternate universe, where stories of his real experience are regarded as fantastic and consumed as entertainment. The twist: He’s in this universe, posing as a science fiction...
Home, the spaceship's pilot, had been warned. "Don't forget the meteor swarm." And Home's directional calculations for the Vega Queen's course took that advice into account; the spaceship would go fifteen thousand miles out of its way to avoid...
Von Sonnen geboren, von unvorstellbaren Kräften, Drücken, Temperaturen, atomaren Bedingungen, innerhalb der mächtigen Sonnen. Geboren als Endprodukte einer Evolutionskette, die beinahe so alt war wie das Universum; Gruppierungen von...
"Spaceships in thousands, and they're attacking us! They've come from somewhere toward our galaxy — have come out of intergalactic space itself to attack our universe!"
The interstellar Patrol, that fabulous fleet manned by all the assorted...