Von Sonnen geboren, von unvorstellbaren Kräften, Drücken, Temperaturen, atomaren Bedingungen, innerhalb der mächtigen Sonnen. Geboren als Endprodukte einer Evolutionskette, die beinahe so alt war wie das Universum; Gruppierungen von...
A young astronaut has returned from an expedition tasked with collecting resources from Mars. He suffers through visits with the grieving families in order to deliver the letters of his dead comrades; always, he lies to the families about the...
Beasts, Men…Or Aliens?
In that hidden valley, land of strangely forbidding beauty, Eric Nelson, soldier of fortune, faced a battle stranger than any he had ever encountered.
He was hired to fight for humanity, against beings that seemed...
ONLY THIS UNCROWNED KING COULD STOP THE ULTIMATE WEAPON! "Poetic, moody, polished, genuinely sensitive!" says sf writer and critic James Gunn about the work of the grandmaster of space opera, Edmond Hamilton, who penned this haunting, lost...
Hamilton's first story, "The Monster-God of Mamurth," was published in the August, 1926 issue of Weird Tales: the beginning of a 22 year relationship that would see no less than 78 Hamilton stories appear in the magazine. Although the majority of...
Dr. John Pollard discovers that he can speed up human evolution with a shower of cosmic rays. Naturally, you wouldn't think that he'd be as daft as to try it out on himself first, but that's exactly what he does do and in short order he morphs...
The Godmen and The Stars, My Brothers take place during the Era of Interstellar Exploration, of which Hamilton writes: “Interplanetary exploration and exploitation had increased rapidly. But the vast distances to other stars remained...
A man is stranded in an alternate universe, where stories of his real experience are regarded as fantastic and consumed as entertainment. The twist: He’s in this universe, posing as a science fiction...
Scientists in the woods of North Quebec are in search of clues to man’s glorious path “up” the evolutionary chain. The story begins with a review of known evolutionary theory and questions about the role of mutations in achieving evolutionary...
Hugh Farris, Andre and Lys Berreau are transported into a weird world of eerie plant life, where time is slowed up and the struggle to survive rages madly...