THE SCIENCE FANTASY CLASSIC! Out of print for more than a quarter of a century! An American pilot unleashes Ragnarok. He flew over the rainbow — but not to Oz! "Memorable!" The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. The author of The Star Kings...
Was it man’s destiny to bridge the awesome depths between the galaxies? Evers was hunted as a criminal for daring to dream he could find a Corridor of the...
Una bomba superatomica viene lanciata, da una nazione sconociuta, su una piccola città americana dove si cela un centro per le ricerche atomiche. L’esplosione ha per effetto di rompere la continuità del tempo e sbalestrare la piccola...
"Spaceships in thousands, and they're attacking us! They've come from somewhere toward our galaxy — have come out of intergalactic space itself to attack our universe!"
The interstellar Patrol, that fabulous fleet manned by all the assorted...
Standing at the controls, beside me, the silent steersman raised his hand for a moment to point forward through the pilot room's transparent wall.
"Canopus at last," he said, and I nodded. Together, and in silence, we gazed ahead.
Nearly a century before the racks of mass-market books were flooded with media tie-ins for franchises such as Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. (and ten years before E.E. "Doc" Smith created the Lensmen), Edmond Hamilton pioneered and popularized the...