This story is for all my readers who have been impacted by the current political SNAFU – and for anyone else who might need to enjoy a free story in these difficult times.
“Shutdown”, will be available free for the duration of the...
Лорел Гамильтон
Рассказы из сборника "Странная конфетка"
Перевод журнала Translation Laurell`s works
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The bonds of love.
The bonds of matrimony.
The bonds between husband and wife.
Let's face it — some bonds are made to be broken.
Here, for the first time ever, are four stories from today's most provocative authors that take the...
The time has come for Meredith Gentry to put aside her detective work and fulfill her ultimate obligation to the world of Faerie — where her efforts to conceive an heir to the throne of the Unseelie Court are crucial to restoring magic, and life...
Los vampiros la llaman la Ejecutora. Cómo los llama ella, mejor no repetirlo. `SOY LA EJECUTORA Y NO SALGO CON VAMPIROS… LOS MATO`. De complexión menuda y lengua afilada, Anita Blake no es alguien a quien convenga subestimar:...