On holiday in Victoria, British Columbia, Bond becomes intrigued Lee Fu-Chu, a half-Blackfoot, half-Chinese philanthropist who is known as "Brokenclaw" because of a deformed hand. On his return to the UK Bond is tasked to investigate the...
The bestselling story of a king’s crusade to vanquish the Devil and to defeat the monster in each of us.
A visiting lecturer is lured to the remote, gothic mansion of an estranged professor and his only son, who is described as a monster. But...
Janis, a powerful and ambitious Russian gang that no longer cares about ideology, has just acquired Goldeneye, a piece of high-tech space technology with the power to destroy or corrupt the West's financial markets. But Janus has underestimated...
Bond reluctantly finds himself recruited into a dangerous mission involving an equally dangerous and treacherous alliance of agents from the CIA, the KGB and Israel's Mossad. The team dubbed 'Icebreaker' waste no time double crossing each other,...
El Profesor James Moriarty, el Napoleón del crimen, el ilustre archienemigo de Sherlock Holmes, regresa de los Estados Unidos con una fortuna conseguida a fuerza de estafas, fraudes y todo tipo de pillajes. También trae un minucioso y...
Bond is back and he's better than ever… but the 1980's have reached the department as well. Political restraints are squeezing in on the Service. The elite Double-O status, for example, conveying its authority to kill, is being abolished…
Russian terrorists kidnap a man suspected of Nazi war crimes--and get the wrong man. The rebels threaten to kill their captive unless ten million dollars and the real war criminal are delivered to them within 72 hours. Only the KGB's newest...
En su última película, James Bond renuncia a la categoría de 007, abandona el servicio y parte hacia Montecarlo, al volante de su Bentley Mulsanne Turbo, para cumplir una misión distinta a todo lo que había hecho hasta aquel...
Durante años, May, el ama de llaves escocesa de James Bond, ha sido la única constante de su agitada existencia. Pero May tiene gravemente dañado el pulmón izquierdo, lo cual provoca en el superagente un paroxismo de...