Meet Simon Crane, the hottest hard-boiled antihero since Mike Hammer! Неге’s an ex-cop who’s up to his neck in blood, booty, and blackmail: Number One target in a gangland countdown to murder. The Hit resounds with a tough, ingenious triple-crossing twist — alter all, who would rob the Mafia?
Author Brian Garfield scores a criminal bull’s-eye in this uncompromising thriller that rips the veneer off the Establishment of a sleepy southwestern state, exposing a merry-go-round of murder, vice, and mob control. It all explodes when a Cosa Nostra kingpin is found dead m the living room of his palatial estate. A gaping wall safe discloses the killer’s motive: a missing three million dollars in cash — and a giant political scandal.
The state’s entire political elite is incriminatingly indebted to the murdered mobster, but the bloody trail seems to lead to the door of Simon Crane. A handier suspect couldn’t be found, either by the mob or by the corrupt police. Besides, no one is fool enough to openly accuse a famous political figure of robbery and murder when a desperate ex-cop might solve the mystery to save his own skin. And Crane’s alleged motive is clearly personal: her name is Joanna, a frail, blond ex-Mafia playmate whose one and only fling with the deceased was recorded on film and preserved in the safe’s incendiary archives. Wasn’t that reason enough to kill — for revenge, a king’s ransom, and the intensely private files of a first-class manipulator?
Facing trial by gunpoint either way he turns, Crane parlays his only chance into a deal with Mafia executioners: forty-eight hours to prove his innocence. Forty-eight hours to trap a wily thief and return to the mob with three million in home-grown graft and a payload of political dynamite.
It’s the biggest, nastiest, most extraordinary gamble in years, starring hard-nosed, daring Simon Crane, who plays a criminal deck with a master hand — and challenges the powerbrokers to a no-holds-barred game of survival.
Комментарии к книге "The Hit"