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Midnight Falcon

Midnight Falcon

Серия: Rigante #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1999
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Bane the Bastard is the illegitimate son of the Rigante king who men called Demonblade. Born of treachery, Bane grew up an outcast in his own land, feared by his fellow highlanders, and denied by the father whose unmistakable mark he bore-the...
Dark Prince

Dark Prince

Серия: Lion of Macedon #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
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The Lion of Macedon - strategos, Parmenion. A lone hero in search of salvation and finding, instead, destiny. The Dark Prince - the child who will become Alexander, creator of the greatest empire the world has ever known. He will conquer all. All...
Рыцари тёмного леса

Рыцари тёмного леса

Язык: русский
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Он — последний из легендарных рыцарей Габалы, защищавших некогда светлые земли девяти княжеств от сил Тьмы. Последний из тех, комм не...