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Язык: польский
полная версия

W cichej, spokojnej okolicy Willow Road odżywają wspomnienia makabrycznych wydarzeń sprzed lat, kiedy to grozę i obrzydzenie budziły dokonywane tam praktyki okultystyczne. Tak jak niegdyś zatriumfuje szaleństwo,...
Триллер, Ужасы


Серия: Rats #3
Язык: английский
Год: 1983
полная версия

The long-dreaded nuclear conflict has come. The city is torn apart, shattered, its people destroyed or mutilated beyond hope. For just a few, survival is possible only beneath the wrecked streets—if there is time to avoid the slow-descending...


Язык: английский
Год: 2003
полная версия

He was a stringy mongrel, wandering the streets of the city, driven by a ravenous hunger and hunting a quarry he could not define. But he was also something more. Somewhere in the depths of his consciousness was a memory clawing its way to the...


Язык: польский
полная версия

Wkrótce potem opuściłem te okolice, po złożeniu ostatniej wizyty na własnym grobie. Nie wiem dokładnie, dlaczego to zrobiłem; zapewne chciałem w specyficzny sposób złożyć sobie wyrazy...
La pietra della Luna [Moon - it]

La pietra della Luna [Moon - it]

Язык: итальянский
Год: 1987
полная версия

John Child è riuscito a sfuggire al terrore del suo passato. Sì è rifatto una nuova vita, ha riscoperto l’amore. Gli manca disperatamente sua figlia ma di certo non sente la mancanza dell’atroce incubo che si è lasciato alle...
Триллер, Ужасы


Серия: Rats #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1979
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'Not for the nervous' Daily Mirror The mutant white rat had grown and mated, creating offspring in its own image. They dominated the others, the dark-furred ones, who foraged for food and brought it back to The Lair. Now the...
Nobody True

Nobody True

Язык: английский
Год: 2006
полная версия

James True was not there when he died. He'd returned from one of those out-of-body experiences, the kind where you feel your spirit has left your body, but it isn't really a dream, to find he's been murdered, mutilated. The killer left...
Триллер, Ужасы


Язык: английский
Год: 1987
полная версия

A multinational corporation hires a protection firm specializing in kidnap and ransom cases to safeguard Felix Kline, a psychic with the ability to root out deposits of precious natural resources. During a weekend at Kline's isolated country...
The Magic Cottage

The Magic Cottage

Язык: английский
Год: 1986
полная версия

"We thought we'd found our haven, a cottage deep in the heart of the forest. Quaint, charming, maybe a little run-down, but so peaceful. The woodland animals and birds couldn't have been more neighbourly. That was the first part of the Magic....