From Publishers Weekly
In 1958, while directing the microfilming and organization of a trove of archives that the U.S. forces had taken from the Nazis at the end of WWII, historian Weinberg (A World at Arms) discovered the manuscript of a...
Dünyanın seyrini değiştiren en kanlı diktatörlerden birisi olan Adolf Hitler'in hayatına yön vereceği ideallerini, fikirlerini ve hatıralarını kaleme alarak yazdığı tek eseri...
Bibliotēkās un grāmatu veikalu plauktos ir plaši pieejami Nacionālsociālisma ideju komentāri. Izdevniecības "Vizītkarte" 1995. gadā izdotais Ādolfa Hitlera "Mana cīņa"...
This translation compiles speeches and proclamations from Hitler's rise to power in 1932 to his demise in 1945. It provides insight into his political agenda and ideology in an unprecedented span of years. Described as 'essential,'...