La vida de Eddie Spinola toma un inesperado giro cuando prueba el MDT-48, una droga sintética desarrollada por un misterioso laboratorio. Sus efectos le permitirán experimentar una inusitada actividad intelectual y física que lo...
1950s Manhattan: the CIA carries out a covert study of psychoactive drugs. Ad man Ned Sweeney is dosed with MDT-48, and finds his horizons dramatically expand. . .
Sixty years later, all that Ray Sweeney knows of his grandfather's life is that he...
Imagine a drug that makes your brain function in a fantastically efficient way, tapping in to your fundamental resources of intelligence and drive. Imagine a drug that could make you read and remember entire books in a matter of hours, or learn a...
'Alan Glynn's THE DARK FIELDS is that rare thing - a first novel of such great stylistic assurance and narrative energy that you immediately realize you're in the hands of a born storyteller. More tellingly, this dark, corrosive story of...