Caesar Augustus’ story, one of the most riveting in western history, is filled with drama and contradiction, risky gambles and unexpected success. He began as a teenage warlord, whose only claim to power was as the heir of the murdered Julius Caesar. Mark Antony dubbed him a boy who owes everything to a name, but in the years to come the youth outmaneuvered all the older and more experienced politicians and was the last man standing in 30 BC.
Over the next half century he reinvented himself as a servant of the state who gave Rome peace and stability, and created a new system of government—the Principate or rule of an emperor.
In this highly anticipated biography Goldsworthy puts his deep knowledge of ancient sources to full use, recounting the events of Augustus’ long life in greater detail than ever before. Goldsworthy pins down the man behind the myths: a consummate manipulator, propagandist, and showman, both generous and ruthless. Under Augustus’ rule the empire prospered, yet his success was never assured and the events of his life unfolded with exciting unpredictability. Goldsworthy captures the passion and savagery, the public image and private struggles of the real man whose epic life continues to influence western history.
Acknowledgements vii
List of Maps ix
Introduction i
PART ONE: Caius Octavius (Thurinus) 63–44 bc
1 ‘Father of His Country’ 19
2 ‘A Man of Wealth and Good Reputation’ 32
3 The Consulship of Julius and Caesar 47
4 A Way Out 63
PART TWO: Caius Julius Caesar (Octavianus) 44–38 bc
5Heir 83
6 Praise 98
7 Reward and Discard 115
8 Vengeance and Discord 128
PART THREE – Imperator Caesar, Divi Filius 38–27 bc
9 Sons of Gods 151
10 Rivals 170
11 Triumph 195
PART FOUR: Imperator Caesar Augustus, Divi Filius 27–2 bc
12 Renewal and Restoration 217
13 To Overcome the Proud in War 239
14 The ‘Title of Greatest Power’ 258
15 The Eagles 284
16 An End and a Beginning 307
17 Family and Colleagues 334
18 Augustan Peace 355
PART FIVE: Imperator Caesar Augustus, Divi Filius,
Pater Patriae 2 bc–ad 14
19 Father 377
20 The ‘Sentry Post’ 402
21 For the Sake of the Res Publica 426
22 Pax Augusta 446
Conclusion: Hurry Slowly 469
Appendix One: The Senatorial Career or Cursus Honorum 482
Appendix Two: Date of the Birth of Jesus 487
Glossary 493
Key Personalities 503
Family Trees 512
Bibliography 522
Abbreviations 538
Notes 540
Index 587
Комментарии к книге "Augustus: First Emperor of Rome"