Life is a wondrous game for twenty-eight-year-old Eddie Dain. There’s phone chess with his beautiful wife, Marie. There’s the joy of his three-year old son. There’s his career using software to ferret out soft-core bad guys without ever leaving his computer. But when Eddie decides that a seemingly accidental death was no accident at all, it all blows up in his face. A new and shadowy enemy sends out two killers with shotguns. When they are through with him, Eddie has to be reborn. As a dead man. He’s dead to joy, dead to his past. Loveless and obsessed, he goes by the single name of Dain, lives with a cat who won’t purr, and thumbs through a bloodstained copy of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Building up his body and an arsenal of lethal skills that Eddie never had, Dain hires himself out as a manhunter — because somewhere out there in an underworld of criminals and contract killers are the two men who destroyed his life. Dain’s break comes in Chicago, leads him to a beautiful stripper in New Orleans, and plunges him into the steaming swamps of the Louisiana bayou country. There, Dain will get his chance to separate truths from lies, traitors from friends, the living from the dead...
Комментарии к книге "Dead Man"