As originally published in "The Shadow Magazine," July 15, 1935.
The Shadow trapped by mobland — while a master crook prepares to let loose Atoms of...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” March 15, 1935.
Slow ponderous notes, ringing out a death knell, they toll forth from the old bell-tower as Bells of...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” July 15, 1934.
Like the multiple-headed Hydra of ancient times, so works this new, modern organization of crime, a Chain of...
CHARG, MONSTER was originally published in the July 1, 1934 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
A story of a hideous monster, an unbelievable killer — and a fight for super...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” March 1, 1934.
A thrilling story of death in New York City’s Times Square — death which baffles even The...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” April 15, 1934.
The glamour of circus life — with the cloud of criminal activity hovering over it to challenge The Shadow!
(NOTE: A Glossary of Circus and “Carny” terms is at the...
CROOKS GO STRAIGHT was originally published in the March 1, 1935 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
How many crooks go straight? Two crooks, to be exact. This story follows the reformed lives of two ex-crooks, Steve Zurk and Jack Targon. Steve Zurk...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” December 15, 1934.
A master crook, whose machinations of crime leads The Shadow on a trail from the heart of New York to the Latin Quarter of New...