THE CRIME CRYPT was originally published in the June 15, 1934 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
Hidden deep beneath the mansion of Cecil Armsbury is the crime crypt. The mild-mannered, old explorer is, in actuality, a master criminal who will test...
CHARG, MONSTER was originally published in the July 1, 1934 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
A story of a hideous monster, an unbelievable killer — and a fight for super...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” July 15, 1934.
Like the multiple-headed Hydra of ancient times, so works this new, modern organization of crime, a Chain of...
GYPSY VENGEANCE was published in the August 15, 1934 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
Ah, yes, Gypsies! Flashing eyes. Flashing teeth. Flashing knives. And vengeance of the Gypsies. A vengeance that will be met by The...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” September 1, 1934.
A crook calls upon The Shadow to plan crime — and issues a challenge to the master of...
THE GARAUCAN SWINDLE was originally published in the September 15, 1934 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
An entire nation's economy was in peril. Millions were at stake — but to The Shadow, it was a matter of lives and reputations, not money,...
MURDER MARSH was originally published in the October 1, 1934 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
A mysterious mansion set on an island in the center of a foggy old marsh. There, scientists looked for the Ignis Fatuus, crooks looked for wealth, the Law...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” October 15, 1934.
They were not dead — they were asleep, these victims of a new malady — or of the plans of some master crook who brought the death...