The Gauntlet and the Burning Blade

The Gauntlet and the Burning Blade
Автор: Green Ian
Серия: Rotstorm #2
Год: 2022
Добавил: Admin 6 Окт 22
Проверил: Admin 6 Окт 22
Формат:  EPUB (1143 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


Break the chains. Hold your strength. Burn your foes.
Once a warrior of the Stormguard Commandos, Floré wrought horrors in the rotstorm to protect her people. She did her duty and swore to leave the bloodshed behind. But when her daughter, Marta, was kidnapped, Floré was forced to once again raise her gauntlet against the devils of Ferron to bring her home.
Now Marta is dying from the skein-magic she inherited from her father, and the Protectorate is weakened by the absence of the whitestaffs. The mystical order of healers and sages fled to their island citadel of Riven when strange orbs cut through the night.
Floré and her comrades must race to find a cure for Marta, to find the truth of the whitestaffs' betrayal, and to fight back against the encroaching children of the storm.
Floré has taken up her gauntlets and her sword to keep her people safe – but steel alone might not be enough...

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