Loving, Living, Party Going

Loving, Living, Party Going
Классическая проза
Язык: английский
Год: 1982
Издатель: Picador
Добавил: Admin 22 Мар 21
Проверил: Admin 22 Мар 21
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Henry Green, whom W. H. Auden called 'the finest living English novelist', is the most neglected writer of the last century and the one most deserving of rediscovery by a new generation. This volume brings together three of Henry Green's intensely original novels.
Loving explored class distinctions through the medium of love and brilliantly contrasts the lives of servants and masters in an Irish castle during World War Two, Living of workers and owners in a Birmingham iron foundry. Party Going is a brilliant comedy of manners, presenting a party of wealthy travellers stranded by fog in a London railway hotel while throngs of workers await trains in the station below.

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