SERPENT MONSTER!It writhed backward, bent into a bow, and lifted a head as large as a horse's up from the surface of the pond. The head rose slowly, bobbing and weaving at the end of a neck thicker than Blade's own body, occasionally opening a mouth rimmed with foot-long, dagger-pointed teeth.At the first movement of the snake Blade froze; at the second he began inching back into the cover of the trees. The head swiveled back and forth ten feet above the ground. Green-hued eyes the size of dinner plates scanned the edges of the pond. The the snake lowered itself to the ground and began slowly and steadily pulling itself onto the bank. Blade swore. Against that monster his staff would be about as useful as a Boy Scout knife. As long as the serpent was camped on the edge of the pond, it would be a risky business getting water.More and more of the mottled black-brown body flowed toward him until the hideous creature stretched sixty feet along the bare earth. The breeze carried its faint musk to Blade, and he swallowed, his mouth and throat suddenly drier than even his thirst had made them.For one of the few times in his existence, Blade was terrified!
Комментарии к книге "King Of Zunga"