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Ice Dragon
Героическая фантастика

Ice Dragon

Серия: Richard Blade #10
Язык: английский
Год: 1974
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Monster Attack!The men of Irdna, tough as they were, stared at the face of death lumbering slowly and inexorably toward them. The bravest among them gripped their weapons tightly and licked their lips in anticipation. Then the Ice Dragons reared up,...
King Of Zunga
Героическая фантастика

King Of Zunga

Серия: Richard Blade #12
Язык: английский
Год: 1982
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SERPENT MONSTER!It writhed backward, bent into a bow, and lifted a head as large as a horse's up from the surface of the pond. The head rose slowly, bobbing and weaving at the end of a neck thicker than Blade's own body, occasionally opening a mouth...
Wizard Of Rentoro
Героическая фантастика

Wizard Of Rentoro

Серия: Richard Blade #28
Язык: английский
Год: 1978
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Blade zeroes in on another incredible dimension--this a land of fourteenth-century Italian villages, surrounded by olive groves and vineyards. Immediately, Blade sees men-at-arms, wearing plate armor and bearing shields, raping beautiful women,...
Empire Of Blood
Героическая фантастика

Empire Of Blood

Серия: Richard Blade #23
Язык: английский
Год: 1977
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Blade vs. The EmperorLanding in a dimension of small cities and kingdoms ruled by a tyrannical emperor, Richard Blade finds himself involved in a plan to depose the bloody ruler.After first considering death for Blade, the emperor graciously decides...
Kingdom Of Royth
Героическая фантастика

Kingdom Of Royth

Серия: Richard Blade #9
Язык: английский
Год: 1974
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PIRATES AHEAD! Blade is stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean when he spots several survivors of a shipwreck. He takes them on board. Together, they weather a savage storm and kill a band of ferocious pirates who are in pursuit. Slowly, a...
Master Of The Hashomi
Героическая фантастика

Master Of The Hashomi

Серия: Richard Blade #27
Язык: английский
Год: 1978
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Blade enters a sinister new dimension--the Land of the Hashomi. Here people are conditioned from birth to be totally immune to pain and fear. By a combination of indoctrination and drugs they have been made into the ultimate fighting machine.The...