Fleeing the sorcerous destruction of a long-lost city, Conan fights side-by-side with Valeria of the Red Brotherhood, that notorious and voluptuous she-pirate. Pursued by deadly spies and assassins, the Cimmerian and Valeria find themselves...
Deep in the Khezankian Mountains, ancient and evil magic is at work, in the hands of a twisted sorceress who calls herself the Lady of the Mists. In the desert, Conan is captured by the Turanians. To rid himself of this curse, he rides with a...
In the Ibar Mountains the necromancer Eremius is raising a demon-spawned army, using in of the fabled Jewels of Kurag. Snared in the court intrigues of Aghrapur, trapped by Lord Misrak, the King's deadly master of spies, Conan of Cimmeria must...