In this timely stand-alone thriller ripped from the headlines, New York Times bestselling author James Grippando, whom the Wall Street Journal calls "a writer to watch," explores a world in which the destruction of financial institutions and the...
Tatum Knight is a former contract killer. Ruthless. Conniving. And he's Jack's newest client. Tatum is the older brother of Jack's best friend, Theo. Theo himself spent time on death row until Jack found the evidence to prove him innocent. Jack...
Many years ago, Jack Swyteck saved Theo Knight's life.Theo grew up on the streets of Miami 's roughest neighborhood and lost his mother to a violent crime. Although his uncle Cy tried his best to raise him right, by the time he was a...
From Publishers Weekly
Miami lawyer Jack Swyteck is in for one hell of a roller coaster ride in this lapel-grabbing thriller, Grippando's ninth (Last to Die; etc.). Lindsey Hart, about to be charged with the murder of her husband, Marine...
An anthology of storiesBe prepared to be thrilled as you've never been beforeFeaturing North America's foremost thriller authors, Thriller is the first collection of pure thriller stories ever published. Offering up heart-pumping...