Ursula K. le Gvina
Tumsas kreisā roka
Nonācis uz planētas Ziema, starpplanētu savienības Ekumēnes sūtnis Dženli Ai sastopas ar citādo: ar ledus laikmeta pasauli, klusuma kultūru, cilvēkiem, kas sevī apvieno kā sievišķo, tā...
En el mundo de Terramar hay dragones y espectros, talismanes y poderes, y las leyes de la magia son tan inevitables y exactas como las leyes naturales.
Un principio fundamental rige en ese mundo: el delicado equilibrio entre la muerte y la vida,...
In a series of conversations with Between the Covers’s David Naimon, Ursula K. Le Guin discusses her fiction, nonfiction, and poetry—both her process and her philosophy—with all the wisdom, profundity, and rigour we expect from one of our...
“Resistance and change often begin in art. Very often in our art, the art of words.”
—Ursula K. Le Guin
When she began writing in the 1960s, Ursula K. Le Guin was as much of a literary outsider as one can be: a woman writing in a...
Ursula Le Gvina
Vistālākais krasts
no angļu val. tulk. Zane Rozenberga.
Hekate 1996
Roukas maģistri
Maga gaisma
Jūras sapni
Ansul was once a peaceful town filled with libraries, schools, and temples. But that was long ago, and the conquerors of this coastal city consider reading and writing to be acts punishable by death. And they believe the Oracle House, where the...
Eine Zivilisation in ferner Zukunft auf einem Planeten namens Winter; eine humanoide Rasse, die Karhiden, die durch ihre besondere Geschlechtlichkeit in einer merkwürdigen Welt zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen leben. Sie treten in...
The third installment in the saga introduces a kitten whose family thinks he is so remarkable that they call him "Wonderful Alexander." One morning, he sets out to explore the world. But soon he finds himself stuck in a tree, and is rescued by Jane,...
Mieszkaniec planety Anarres, fizyk imieniem Szevek, nigdy nie potrafi zrezygnować z prawa do odrębności, do osobistej wolności, dlatego czuł się nieszczęśliwy będąc członkiem...