Need a Job, Go to Mars… or the nearest space station or colony world. But what kind of career opportunities will you find on the ever-expanding frontiers of space? And how many alien beings will be vying for the same positions? To discover some...
From the author of the bestselling Blood books, a brilliant new tale of shape-changers, mages, soothsayers,and a power-mad emperor.
The Empire has declared war on the small, were-ruled kingdom of Aydori, capturing five women of the...
FRenouncing her royal heritage in order to pursue her gifts as a Bardic caller of elemental spirits, Princess Annice is forced to flee from her own people when she rescues the father of her child from an unwarranted death...
After closing the portal to hell, Claire and her talking cat, Austin, acquired a new companion--Dean, who was a Bystander and should not have remembered Keepers existed. But with Dean around, and a little of her sister Diana's meddling--the world is...
Claire Hansen, the Keeper, is summoned to the Elysian Fields Guest House to reseal a hole in the basement, which is literally an opening to Hell. The owner and monitor of the site disappears, leaving Claire stuck managing the place until the problem...
Dzika magia szaleje w Toronto, Adept Ciemności wdarł sie do świata śmiertelników. W czasach, gdy tylko głupcy i niewinni wierzą w czary, kto ma walczyć z atakiem zła?
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