In this thrilling tale of danger and adventure, young Harry joins his father, the famous Alan Quatermain, on a hunt for lions deep in Africa. This publication from Boomer Books is specially designed and typeset for comfortable...
Once more Quatermain takes the hallucinogenic drug and gets to see a previous incarnation of himself–a life he lived thousands of years ago, when he was Wi, a tribal leader during the last great ice...
Treasure and the occult are vividly blended in this stirring tale of Africa. Allan Quatermain finds a village in the middle of the Dark Continent ruled by a huge, pale man with a strange knowledge of future events. This is the last Quatermain...
Raiders Hegards
Pagājušā gadsimta populārais rakstnieks Raiders Hegards latviešu lasītājam nav svešs — 1967. gadā izdevniecība «Zinātne»...
Raiders Hegards
no angļu valodas tulkojusi R. Koka
«Daiļā Margareta», ir viens no labākajiem šā žanra darbiem. Par romāna darbības fonu rakstnieks izvēlējies...
Sir Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925), einer der bedeutendsten englischen Erzähler der Jahrhundertwende, gehört zu den Klassikern des phantastischen Abenteuerromans. Seine exotischen und farbenprächtigen Fantasy-Epen spielen vornehmlich...