An atmospheric love story with a twist by the author of The Rabbit Back Literature Society.
In a small hillside town, Olli Suominen—publisher and discontented husband—is constantly losing umbrellas. He has also joined a film club. And Greta,...
Eŭgeno Miĥalski (1897–1937) estas de multaj opiniata la plej granda poeto el la skolo de la proletaj esperantistaj verkistoj el la komenco de la 20ª jc. De lia plumo aperis tri poemaroj: «La unua ondo» (1918); ĉi tiu «Prologo» (1929); kaj...
The ship is the Per se, a merchant vessel bound for exotic Suriname, a world away from the bitter rain and treacherous seas of Iceland. Each of the nine crew members carries a secret – some even have blood on their hands – but none realises...