Why would any man, however deranged, take an overdose of sleeping pills and then calmly turn off his air conditioner with the city sweltering through a backbreaking heat wave? This question nags at Detectives Bert Kling and Steve Carella. Kling’s...
“This is your case,” the manual advised, “stick with the investigation.” Stick with it in the pouring rain where a man lay with his open skull seeping his brains onto the sidewalk, stick with it in a hospital room reeking of antiseptic,...
A young woman is found hanging from a lamppost in a deserted area of the 87th Precinct. That same night, another woman is raped — for the third time in succession, by the same man each time. Not long after that, a second murder victim is found...
Owen Spencer would never have agreed to lead the time-slip expedition back to the Jurassic period — the Age of Reptiles — had he foreseen the terrifying experiences in store for the small group making the expedition. Chartering the expedition...
“It almost seemed as if winter had already come.”
Those were the final words of Last Summer. In this, Evan Hunters new novel, winter has indeed arrived — and Sandy, David, and Peter are together again.
Sandy, David, and Peter five...