Spanning twenty crucial years of American life, Mothers and Daughters is the story of four women, of different ages and very different temperaments, whose lives are linked closely by the threads of love. In a time of change and chaos, each of the four seeks happiness and fulfillment as a woman. Each must face the responsibilities and the choices that life imposes; each must make some sacrifice of ambition or desire in pursuit of love. Gillian, the actress; Amanda, who wants to be a composer; Julia, the matron; Kate, the child — all are driven toward the same fleeting goal, trying to hold what they have, to seize what they want, some succeeding, some failing.Mothers and Daughters is a deep and moving insight into the lives of these women and into the lives of the men who love them. But more than this, it is a work of massive and enormous scope — a panorama of American life in our times. Beginning in a college of the 1940s, with the young women coming of age and the young men going off to war, Evan Hunter’s latest and most ambitious novel encompasses a whole range of American experience. This is a major novel by one of America’s best-known writers.
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