In an age where fantastic inventions of steam and brass have elevated Britain and China into mighty empires, Alice Michaels faces a future of technological terrors… Once, Gavin Ennock sailed the skies on airships and enchanted listeners with his...
The a plateau of mental existence where people are able to communicate by the power of their thoughts alone.
The Silent...
These people -- known as the Silent -- find that the Dream is threatened by a powerful Silent capable of seizing...
As China prepares to become the ultimate power in an era of extraordinary invention and horror, Alice Michaels' fate lies inside the walls of the forbidden kingdom.... Gavin Ennock has everything a man could desire--except time. As the clockwork...
In a clockwork Brittania, Alice's prospects are slim. At 21, her age and her unladylike interest in automatons have sealed her fate as an undesirable marriage prospect. But a devastating plague sends Alice off in a direction beyond the pale-towards...
The third novel in Steven Harper's critically-acclaimed science fiction saga continues... The telepathic communications net, known as "The Dream," has been shattered. And the majority of the Silent who used it are unable to reenter. But Kendi...
The Dream was a telepathic place of existence where a psychic race known as the Silent could twist the laws of reality. But a madman's lust for power has torn the Dream asunder. Now, only a handful of the Silent can enter it. Kendi Weaver is one...