Mind meets microchip as a brilliant young genius develops a machine capable of spontaneous thought. Before he can perfect the machine, terrorists steal his research and put a bullet through his brain. Miraculously revived by methods he pioneered,...
Also published as Tunnel Through the Deeps.
Captain Augustine Washington and his team of navvies are driving a tunnel under the Atlantic in a heroic feat of construction. For Gus, a descendant of the infamous George Washington,...
The Daleth Effect was the key to the stars—and Israeli scientist Arnie Klein, its discoverer, knew that the great powers of the world would stop at nothing to control it. Arnie “defected” to tiny, tough Denmark in the hope of being able to...
HARRY HARRISON (1925) — jeden z předních světových autorů žánru science fiction se narodil v Connecticutu (USA) a vystudoval uměleckou školu v New Yorku. Během své kariéry nezávislého spisovatele vystřídal řadu zemí, v současné...