WOOL introduced the world of the silo. SHIFT told the story of its creation. DUST will describe its downfall.
In a time when secrets and lies were the foundations of life, someone has discovered the truth. And they are going to tell.
Snap! The world didn’t end on December 21st, 2012! Oh, well, look on the bright side: You got plenty of time to read this excellent anthology of apocalyptic stories.
This compilation brings together short stories by award-winning science...
In a future less than fifty years away, the world is still as we know it. Time continues to tick by. The truth is that it is ticking away. A powerful few know what lies ahead. They are preparing for it. They are trying to protect us. They are...
In just a few short weeks, a group of young orphans have come together to form a family. They have united in the most unlikely of alliances, finding strength in the tight bonds of friendship.
In their individual cultures, these orphans were...
It’s been ten years since Molly last set foot on her birth planet, and this isn’t how she’d imagined her homecoming. The sky is full of an invading fleet, one powerful enough to threaten the entire galaxy. The new family she has come to rely...
“I need you to help me rescue your father_”
With those words, Molly Fyde—and the rest of the known universe—will never be the same. What began as a simple task to retrieve her father’s spaceship, has turned into more than Molly...
Growing up an orphan in the Milky Way hasn’t been easy, especially as a teenage girl in the Naval Academy. Unfortunately for Molly Fyde, things are about to get worse.
Just as she’s finding her place amongst the boys, her unfair expulsion...
The third and final chapter of the Shift saga. This is part 8 of the Silo Series, which began with Wool. All three Shift books will be collected in an Omnibus edition to save the reader a buck or two.
Reading order:
1. WOOL (5 parts)
The incredible second part of Shift, the follow up to bestseller Wool.
Donald wasn’t supposed to remember. In fact, he was punished for doing just that. But the information he should have forgotten may end up saving his future.