Hunter Sniper

Hunter Sniper
Военная проза, Триллер
Автор: Healey David
Серия: Pacific Sniper #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2023
Издатель: Intracoastal Media
Добавил: Admin 22 Июн 24
Проверил: Admin 22 Июн 24
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Patrol Easy finds itself divided as the battle rages for the Philippines. One group of snipers sets sail for yet another beach landing on the far side of the Leyte peninsula. Crack shot Deacon Cole joins a unit fighting its way across the jungle interior, where he encounters not just the enemy but also a nasty tropical fever. Meanwhile, the largest naval battle in history begins off the coast as the Japanese make a gambit to crush the landing effort. The patrol reunites in time for the final attack on the port city of Ormoc, where enemy snipers lurk. Feverish and exhausted, Deke must look deep within himself to take his best shot before the enemy can pick off yet another GI. Fighting from street to street and house to house, can the country boy outwit the hidden enemy before it’s too late?

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