Now captain of her own pirate ship, Jules of Landfall faces ambushes by Mage assassins and threats from Mechanics who can’t decide whether to kill her or try to use her for their own ends. The Emperor has made her an offer he doesn’t think she...
On the world of Dematr, the Emperor and his legions rule over the lands on the eastern side of the Sea of Bakre, and the Great Guilds rule over the Emperor and his subjects. The Mechanics Guild, whose members claim they came from the stars, controls...
The Syndicate Worlds continue to splinter as more star systems pledge allegiance to President Gwen Iceni, General Artur Drakon, and the new government they’re establishing at Midway. But the toxic legacy of Syndicate rule continues to undermine...
“The world feels oddly strained, like a line pulled too taunt and apt to snap, smashing everything in its path.”
Master Mechanic Mari and Mage Alain have survived every attempt to stop them, but their enemies are determined to kill Mari, the...
Trapped within the dead city of Marandur, Master Mechanic Mari and Mage Alain must escape both merciless barbarians and the pitiless Imperial Legion. Beyond those dangers lie the mightiest and most unforgiving powers in the world of Dematr: the...
Bürgerkrieg und Rebellion stürzen Dutzende Sternensysteme ins Chaos. Alle Versuche der Syndik-Regierung, die Ordnung wiederherzustellen, scheitern. Am Schlimmsten ist die Lage im Sternensystem Midway. Hier kämpfen die beiden Offiziere Artur...
Die Syndikatswelten sehen sich einer übermächtigen Bedrohung gegenüber. Die Flotte der außeridischen Enigma bedroht alles Leben im Sternensystem. Um sie zu bekämpfen, steht General Artur Drakon eine schwere Entscheidung bevor: Soll er sich mit...