Invasion: New York

Invasion: New York
Боевая фантастика
Автор: Heppner Vaughn
Серия: Invasion America #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Издатель: Amazon Digital Services
Добавил: Admin 15 Окт 13
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World War III expands with the German invasion of the American Northeast.
In the fourth book of the Invasion America Series, bitter glacial cooling continues to bring humanity to the brink of starvation, making U.S. soil the most valuable in the world.
From Quebec, the German Dominion unleashes the most frightening assault in history. A genius leads them, planning a trap within a trap within a trap, to ultimately encircle and destroy over one million U.S. soldiers, thereby setting up for the coming dismemberment of the country.
Meanwhile, the Pan-Asian Alliance and the South American Federation rearm behind the Oklahoma defenses, waiting to resume their stalled offensive.
The Germans seem as if they’re from the future, using artificially intelligent tanks, automated drone battalions and laser-armed jet fighters. America has its back to the wall as their military is stretched to the limit. It’s up to the U.S. vets to defeat an unbeatable foe or watch their country disintegrate around them. The hour of decision has arrived.
INVASION: NEW YORK is a disturbing technothriller, written by bestselling author Vaughn Heppner. To find the first book in the series, search for INVASION: ALAKSA.

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