"Blowtorch of a novel. . matchless and prescient." — Publishers Weekly
"Spokesman for those who were angry and beat. . turbulent, temperamental, and tortured." — The New York Times
"A self-taught writer with an uncanny gift...
Rebel author Marek Hlasko was considered the James Dean of the Communist Bloc. In this gripping novel, Robert and Jacob are two down-and-out Polish con men living in Israel in the 1950s. They plan to run a scam on an American widow visiting the...
Marek Hłasko pozostawił po sobie nie tylko spuściznę literacką, obejmującą opowiadania i powieści, ale również barwną legendę, intrygującą zarówno starszych czytelników, jak i młodsze pokolenie, dla których polska rzeczywistość...
“History has no use for witnesses.
”When Marek Hłasko sent this novel to publishers in Poland in the mid-1950s, it was uniformly rejected. When he asked why, he was told: “This Poland doesn’t...