
Биографии и мемуары
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
Издатель: Yale University Press
Добавил: Admin 10 Апр 19
Проверил: Admin 10 Апр 19
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"[A] beautifully constructed, lucid, and brief new life of the dictator. . . . Written with fluent sobriety and humour the book is a constant pleasure to read. No book of history is ever definitive: new facts trickle out, new writers bring new perspectives to bear. This is the charm of the genre. But some history books can become classics for layer generations. Khlevniuk's Stalin is likely to be one of them."--Rodric Braithwaite, Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies
"A very digestible biography, yet one packed with revelations. . . . If you read just one biography this year, make it this one."--Paul E. Richardson, Russian Life
"Superb . . . deeply informed and utterly compelling . . . What [Khlevniuk] highlights is so frequently new and revealing that the portrait in the end seems more accurate and complete than anything before. Favorov's masterful translation from the Russian preserves the book's spare, penetrating prose."--Robert Legvold, Foreign Affairs
"By the amount and quality of information presented, [Stalin: New Biography] surpasses all other biographies on Stalin previously published inside or outside Russia."--Alexander Gogun, Journal of Slavic Military Studies
"The book is attractively organized and presented. . . . This is a brisk, exciting and compelling read."--J. Arch Getty, Slavic Review
Won the 2016 PROSE Award in Biography & Autobiography. The Prose Awards recognize the very best in professional and scholarly publishing. Presented by the Professional Schoarly Publishing (PSP) Dision of the Associaton of American Publishers (AAP)
Awarded second prize for the Pushkin House Russian Book Prize for the Best Russian book in translation
"Oleg Khlevniuk is incontestably the best Russian student of Soviet history. In this biography, he uses his experience and talents to give us an innovative and convincing portrait of the Soviet 'micromanaging' despot. The chapters dealing with the Terror, war, victory and the tragic postwar years break new ground. Stalin's political and private life, his relationships with his immediate circle, his family and the 'Soviet people, ' his intellectual capacities and his way of leading the country, as well as his cruelty and the system of power he built, come vividly to life, and one leaves the book with a much more profound understanding of some of Europe's darkest decades."--Andrea Graziosi, author of the Histoire de l'URSS
"Oleg Khlevniuk, master of the Russian archives, provides a fresh and acute analysis of Stalin the destroyer to confound revisionists who portray him as a state builder and modernizer."--Alfred J. Rieber, author of Stalin and the Struggle for Eurasia
"Khlevniuk is one of the most knowledgeable historians of Stalin and his era. This excellent biography of Stalin represents the current state of scholarship, and should be read widely."--Hiroaki Kuromiya, author of Stalin: Profiles in Power
"A superb account by the eminent scholar who pioneered the opening of the Soviet archives. Oleg Khlevniuk summarizes a lifetime of research, eschewing unsubstantiated anecdotes and tales and sticking to the documentary record, to produce an authoritative narrative of Stalin's life and times."--Paul Gregory, Hoover Institution
"No one in the world knows the inner workings of Soviet power in Stalin's time better than Oleg Khlevniuk. Beautifully and artfully composed, deeply moral, and supremely readable, Stalin: New Biography of a Dictator will become the benchmark against which all future biographies of Stalin will be measured. A masterpiece."--Jan Plamper, author of The Stalin Cult: A Study in the Alchemy of Power
About the Author
Oleg V. Khlevniuk is a leading research fellow at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences and senior research fellow at the State Archive of the Russian Federation. His previous Yale books include The History of the Gulag, Master of the House: Stalin and His Inner Circle, and several collections of Stalin's correspondence.

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