Earth was finished, devastated by nuclear and biological war. The inhabitants of the artificial asteroid colonies looked down on it and knew that humanity’s old home would soon be gone forever.
But Earth would not loose its ties so easily....
In the last volume of the parable of Earth’s destruction and humanity’s doomed flight from it, Mariane O’Hara frantically records the lives of her family and contemporaries when most of the earth’s history and literature is wiped out from...
Pur di far partire la prima astronave interstellare gli scienziati sono disposti a mettere in scena un gigantesco imbroglio, e alla fine questo si rivelerà un bene.
Vincitore del premio Hugo e Locus per il miglior racconto breve (Short...
Iniciada en 1997, la guerra con los taurinos se arrastra desde hace siglos. Pasando de un mundo a otro a velocidades superiores a la de la luz, las tropas de la guerra interminable envejecen sólo unos pocos días mientras en la Tierra pasan...
Od wielu pokoleń wędrują po Ziemi dwie nikomu nieznane istoty. Obcy nie wiedzą o sobie nawzajem, ale zachowują szczątkowe wspomnienia tajemniczego zatopionego reliktu i upodobanie do morskich głębin. Jedna z...
La guerra, ci insegna l’autore, non è mai una cosa piacevole. E in una guerra che dura 1200 anni, le probabilità di sopravvivenza sono prossime a zero. Iniziata nel 1997, la guerra contro la razza extraterrestre dei Taurani si trascina...
Hugo Best Short Story Winner (1977)
Nebula Best Short Story Nominee (1977)
Locus Best Short Story Nominee (1977)
Joe Haldeman is a public relations department’s dream. Handsome, with a dashing beard, and in his early thirties, he is...
A million years prior to the dawn of Homo sapiens, two immortal, shapeshifting aliens roam the Earth with little memory of their origin or their purpose. Later in the year 2019, an artifact is discovered off the coast of Samoa, buried deep...