As elegant, enigmatic private eye Claire Conrad and her very independent assistant Maggie Hill prepare to fly to L.A., a young woman appears at their hotel bearing an unusual messsage: a legendary fashion model who died recently did not commit...
This new crime thriller takes amateur sleuth Diana Poole deep into Southern California's underworld to uncover the mystery of a diamond-encrusted scorpion - and the reason for the murders that follow in its wake.
One afternoon while standing outside...
A forty-year-old actress tries to make a comeback - but death keeps getting in the way
Diana Poole was the last of the starlets. A vibrant blonde with a quick wit and sharp intelligence, she was on her way to the top when Colin Hudson changed her...
After a suicide, two oddball female sleuths investigate a coin collection that is anything but small change.
Maggie Hill's life has become temporary. Her marriage was temporary, her jobs are temporary, and if work doesn't pick up, her time in...