After a harrowing escape from the Weatherblight, Ari, Kerys, and Eva find themselves on Deepwater Spire, an ancient structure surrounded by endless ocean. With no other options, they bide their time, slowly building up the essence they need to...
Eldon Brock goes about his normal life feeling as though a word, or perhaps a name, is on the tip of his tongue. When a hallucination claiming to be a ghost who knows "who he really is" begins stalking him, he's left with an interesting...
New problems bring new opportunities. After escaping the attack on Varnas-Rav, Ari and friends begin converting an ancient arena into a home defensible against the Weatherblight. For the first time in his life, Ari understands what it means to be a...
More than a month after Ari’s dramatic departure from Cliffhaven, he still remains adrift. During the long journey south back to Ethereal Tower, he thinks of nothing so much as what he could have done differently to save Kerys and Eva, the two...
With Primhaven under relentless assault by a stream of dangerous specters, Lee Amaranth is back to doing what he does best. It’s no small feat to defend the school while simultaneously staying on top of his studies, but with Tess’s help...
Back at Primhaven, Lee returns to the rhythm of life as an initiate mage. With Genevieve Laughton now serving as the school's Interim Lead Instructor, the rules and boundaries he'd grown so accustomed to ignoring are no longer so easily dismissed....
Lee’s time at Primhaven has finally come to an end. With his former friend and lover, Eliza, now a looming threat to the supernatural world, he’s forced to make a deal with the infamous Dealmaker to have any hope at brokering a...