Set in Denmark in the here and now, The Quiet Girl centers around Kaspar Krone, a world-renowned circus clown with a deep love for the music of Johan Sebastian Bach, and an even deeper gambling debt. Wanted for tax evasion and on the verge of...
A magical family novel by the author of Smilla's Sense of Snow. Intricate, sprawling, and often hilarious, this novel offers, through a series of vividly imagined and wildly colorful characters, a very different account of the 20th century, which in...
Madelene is married to Burden, an ambitious zoologist, comfortably off and a chronic alcoholic. The ape is Erasmus, who comes ashore in London from sailing boat called "The Ark". Burden aims to use the ape as the means to fulfil his ambition to...
National Bestseller
Strange things are happening at Biehl's Academy when this elite school opens its doors to a group of orphans and reform-school rejects, kids at the end of the system's tether. But the school is run by a peculiar set of rules by...
Susan Svendsen has a special talent: she has a unique ability to make people confide in her and tell her their innermost secrets. She has exploited that talent, and now has a prison sentence hanging over her head for punching a Bollywood actor in an...
Un día, poco antes de Navidad, la señorita Smila de regreso a su casa encuentra muerto en la nieve a su vecino y amigo, el pequeño Isaías. La versión oficial es que debió de resbalar y caerse. Pero Smila, que le cuidaba...