Mastering hypnotic language!
The Rogue Hypnotist taught you the basics, now he’s back to teach you the true secrets of hypnotic language. For his own reasons he still remains anonymous, the hypnotic self-help elite must be ruffled! They don’t...
Book 4 in the Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist series is here! This is the book about what THEY definitely don’t want you to know: ‘Forbidden hypnotic secrets!’ You want to know it ALL don’t you! There is a magical allure in the very word...
The long awaited book 6, ‘Crafting hypnotic spells!’ in the Rogue Hypnotist series is finally here! All great hypnotists need a word-horde, a spell book to aid them in their efforts! After all what are you going to do once your subject/client...
`Hypnotically Annihilating Anxiety' – Penetrating confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist is the 9th and penultimate book in the internationally bestselling series of the Rogue Hypnotist books on hypnosis. The Rogue Hypnotist is a NLP Master Practitioner...
How would you like to be very persuasive and yet persuasion proof? Up until now – only a select few held this knowledge! No more! Wizards of Trance is the 5th book in the internationally bestselling Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist series! In his...
Powerful hypnosis!
The third bigger and better volume of the Confessions of Rogue hypnotist series is here! The first two books showed you how to hypnotise anyone using words alone…
‘How to hypnotise anyone!’ went straight to no 1 on the...
The 7th book in the internationally best-selling Rogue Hypnotist series is here! Escaping Cultural hypnosis is the ONLY book ever to devote itself to the subject of ‘Cultural Hypnosis’. Cultural hypnosis is so widespread that you probably...
‘Hypnotically deprogramming addiction’ is the 8th book in the Rogue Hypnotist series! The internationally bestselling author on hypnosis is almost giving away his entire addiction busting system for next to nothing! The world class information...
Finally the hidden secrets of hypnosis unveiled!
Did you know that the likelihood is at some point today you have been hypnotised!?
Did you ever watch those magician’s secrets shows?
At last a book that gives away all the secrets of hypnosis! And...