David Cunningham turned the wreck of an old landing craft into a vessel which would make any skipper proud. Then came the letter that turned his trading plans upside-down. "Find out what has happened to Monique, please, " and the faded image with...
During the war, Iain Ross had been disgraced, and then drowned at sea -- or so his family believed. But a curious mission takes his brother Donald to the Hebrides to meet a Major Braddock, and he finds the man who was once his brother living a...
The strange love-hate relationship between a young man and the anthropologist who adopted him starts in Amsterdam and moves swiftly to Malta and the isles of...
A beautiful young heiress, Perenna Holland, falls on hard times. She enlists Roy Slingsby, estate agent and bon vivant, to sell the family manse.
Once into the assignment, he uncovers an album of stamps with a singular story to...
On the run, a deserter from the army, Jim Pryce returns to Cornwall. But the familiar places of his childhood are not the welcoming villages they once were. And when the ruthless modern-day smugglers who operate along the deserted coast need his...
Dick Farrell is a man haunted by his wartime memories of torture and fear — a time better forgotten. But past and present merge when a trip to Eastern Europe embroils him in the twilight world of the industrial spy. Farrell becomes a reluctant...
It lies somewhere beneath the snow, high in the Dolomites: Nazi gold, tainted with the blood of murdered men. Only a few know its secrets, and one by one they come in search of it — a hot-tempered Italian Comtessa, a racketeering pimp, a Greek...