David Cunningham turned the wreck of an old landing craft into a vessel which would make any skipper proud. Then came the letter that turned his trading plans upside-down. "Find out what has happened to Monique, please, " and the faded image with...
HMS Medusa is an obsolete frigate with an ill-assorted crew and an insecure captain. Why has she been dispatched under secret orders to be a sitting duck in one of the most vital ports of the Mediterranean?
Drawn into a close...
Karen and Trevor have seen too many oil tankers run aground near Land's End, their poisonous cargo turning the waters black and suffocating all natural life for miles around. The Petros Jupiter is the latest devastating wreck, and tired of local...
A beautiful young heiress, Perenna Holland, falls on hard times. She enlists Roy Slingsby, estate agent and bon vivant, to sell the family manse.
Once into the assignment, he uncovers an album of stamps with a singular story to...
A British man, ill and largely inactive since the Second World War, inherits land in the Canadian Rockies. He travels there to investigate his grandfather’s instinct that there are valuable oil reserves under the...