- I understand, you can’t believe that in front of you is real Pushkin. Yes, to be honest, I don’t believe what I see by myself. It was the end of January 1837, duel with Dantes, the bullet struck me exactly in the belly, and as then Vladimir Ivanovich said, - it lodged in the backbone. I clear remember, that I shot to this Bonvivant and hit him exactly into the heart, but he for some reason fell to the back, and did not lie prone like me. Almost two days of terrible sufferings and waiting for death. And then, the pain suddenly had gone, and I woke up on Summer in 2015. I went out from cabinet, some unfamiliar people walking in my apartment, and one person among them who is dressed like me and made-up as me – looks very similar. He is surrounded by men, women, children, and opposite to this group a person with strange thing which is lightning by brief flashes. I went out to the courtyard through the back door, nobody paid attention to me. I see a monument – which is handmade and on the pedestal – again me and now in bronze. I saw a cafeteria and entered in.
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