Emmi Iteranta
Ūdens atmiņa
Pavisam netāla nākotne. Pasaules, dzeramā ūdens krājumi nonākuši militāristu kontrolē. Pēc neaptveramām katastrofām -klimata pārmaiņām un naftas kariem -gandriz visā tagadējās Eirāzijas...
The author of the critically acclaimed Memory of Water returns with this literary ecological tale in the vein of Ursula K. Le Guin and Sheri S. Tepper, in which an innocent young woman becomes entangled in a web of ancient secrets and deadly lies...
‘Where Itäranta shines is in her understated but compelling characters.’
–Red star review (for MEMORY OF WATER), Publishers Weekly.
Emmi Itäranta’s prose combines the lyricism of Ishiguro’s NEVER LET ME GO. This is her second...